Kyle came over after work and we had to change my license plate bracket. After that we decided to go for a short ride.

We got a phone call from Indy Bill he said his bike was cutting out on him on his way home. So we found him on the side of Hwy 17

Well after diagnosing his bike his voltage regulator was bad, so we made a short trip to get one. On the way I ran out of gas and had to
syphoned gas out of another gas tank which of course filled my beard with gasoline and I burped gas fumes all night.

Dave-o telling the local thug kids that bikers rule, gangs

We supported our troops by drinking the High Life during this road side fix. By the way support Miller High Life cause they are running an awesome program to support the troops.

This job took all hands on deck.
Took this shot for the Peanut City Geeks, we have our own public whizzer too. Kyle let loose right next to the freeway, that's why the picture is so distorted the cars were buzzing by so fast.
If we all rode stock twin cam baggers we wouldn't have great times like was had last night.