Friday, September 21, 2012

Russell Gets A Belt Drive And Hanging Out

 I showed up and they were hard at it working to get Russell's bike done so we could do a little riding tonight
 Russell making an adaptor kit for the belt drive

 Russell took a few practice/test laps before we left
 The finished project

 We made it too a little hideaway place
Dave-o took the night off cause he got his frame and wheels back for his Knuckle which he is crazy excited about.


  1. WOW! Dave-O's Knucklehead is ultra old school badazz !

    Now he just needs some Sons of Anarchy t-shirts and shorts to wear when he rides it !

    That'll be just keenly neato !.....LMMFAO


  2. Damn! It's going to be hard to deer hunt with that one...

  3. Green and purple, huh? well to each his own I guess..............

  4. Love the colors. Why not break away from the same old shit?
    Purple and green is the new flat black.
