So I been wanting to start this on going piece of the heroes in my life that have influenced my way of thinking about bikes. Yeah yeah we all like Indian Larry, and David Mann and those guys work did influence me. Im talking about the local guys that I seen alot as a kid riding around the local streets, the guys that helped me put a throttle cable on when I was a teenager and didnt have a clue or the ones that gave me a break on buying a 68 TR120 from them, those kinds of heroes.

The 1st guy might be the reason why me and my father both have bike to this day. His name is Mike Whitlock. He was family at one time and I still think of him as family, I went by his house the other day to visit and pick up a frame that he was practically giving me. He showed me all his projects he has going.

He has this sweet narrow glide dual disc 21 spoke front end for his frame that he is making.

This is his 74 Ironhead that will be the drive train, it has been chromes and blasted its beautiful.

Some old Ironhead frames with some sweet metal flake paint.

His sweet car, I cant remember the year to save my life tho.
Last but not least not only is he a perfectionist fabricator he loves surfing too. He is the reason why I surf, I remember as a kid he would show me how to shape boards, he has a ton of boards too. Stay tuned and there will be more Hero post
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