Well we started on Thursday when we the Custom Destruction crew came north and met us. We rode in the rain and Ihad a few break downs with my pan but we made it to Rocky Mount and the pre party.

I have to give it to her (ashley) she is my MVP of the run, she just recently learned to ride and I asked her to go 500 plus miles.

Friday morning the bikes were packed and ready to roll.

I rolled with no headlight because of charging issues.
Well once again I made the Revenge Run was a maiden voyage for one of my bikess. My panhead made it and I was stoked about that. I was really stoked too that Wes shot it for Show Class mag. Me and Ashley didnt win a damn thing in the raffles (hell our first 3 digits never got caled) but as I told her we won some great friends this trip and thats the best part of it.